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Necklace in shades of red. The silver pendant is an ancient Berber ornaments element which contains
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Necklace made of wooden beads, semiprecious stones, silver and resin. The old silver metal
Brown beige and orange necklace made of resin beads, tinted seeds,...
Gernat stone beads. African resin and glass beads. Nepalese pendant.
African bronze from Mali, resin, wood and Coral. The old Tibetan pendant is sculptured on both faces.
Wood, resin, Carnelian stone and silver beads. Touareg pendant from Niger made of silver and Carnelian stone.
Short necklace made of a central enameled metal pearl from Morocco, various Indian silver beads, sand and glass beads of West Africa, and Brazil
Small necklace in red tones with antique Berber pendant encrusted with a Coral. The necklace is composed of Coral, wood, glass paste and colored seeds. Its length is adjustable.
Mixed necklace with an old Berber Silver pendant Inlaid with Coral. It is also made from two Tibetan Silver and Coral beads and composed of colored seed beads, glass...
Long necklace with old Indian pendant. There are also coins of Indian cents and old bells (dumb). The beads are made of wood, glass paste, bones from West Africa and semiprecious stones (red jasper).
Necklace with Nepalese white, yellow and pink metal pendant. The beads are glass, colored seeds, bronze (Mali) and semiprecious stones (red Coral and Carnelian)